Taste to Fate


The antidote to small talk — a full course immersive dining & connection experience.

Breaking bread & barriers with each course.

  • We streamline the dating process through a meticulous application procedure. By maintaining a selective approach, we create an intimate environment where individuals can unwind, confident that everyone at the table is there for a reason, contributing something meaningful.

  • The act of swiping on the apps can make a connection feel like a transaction. Communing in real life is a mutual exchange.

  • Attendees join Taste to Fate events with open minds, free from any preconceived notions about their fellow participants, eliminating the need for social media 'stalking'. Our events prioritize authentic face-to-face interactions, encouraging genuine conversations among individuals

Our next dinner: Thursday, May 30th

Say goodbye to endless scrolling…

Gone are the awkward encounters questioning someone who doesn't match their photos.

We handle the screening process and curate a room of individuals who mirror the same values that you hold.

This all culminates in an evening where engaging conversation flows as freely as the drool-worthy dishes from our collaborative supper club, Nogal Nogal.

Individuals matched for the occasion

Exercises to skip the small talk

Device-free connection*

Full course meal by Nogal Nogal

Organic wine

*Privacy note: we will be taking footage at the event, but your identity will be protected as we won’t show faces to maintain confidentiality.

Apply to be matched

We hand-match individuals for each event.

This is not about exclusivity, it’s about ensuring you have the richest evening possible.

  1. Complete our application (~10 minutes)

  2. If we find a match for you in this pool, we will reach out with the purchase link so you can reserve your seat. 

  3. One week before the event, we will send you the location and additional event info.

  4. From there, you just have to show up as you.

Application deadline: Thursday, May 16th

Can you relate?

✔️ Feeling frustrated with the apps

✔️ Tired of getting catfished

✔️ Over being let on by people who aren’t dating intentionally

✔️ Wanting to meet new aligned people

✔️ Loving good food + comfy environments

✔️ Seeking genuine connections

Great, we’d love to have you.

What others are saying about Mariposa events

Meet Your Hosts

Jordan Jeppe, Founder of Mariposa

Amber Theurer, Life + Creative Strategist