Rewrite Your Shadows Around Love
This blog is from my weekly series ‘Shadow Confessions’ of anonymous disclosures revealing others' deepest secrets & hidden feelings.
Within this offering, you will see yourself in others, learn how to acknowledge your shadow & receive practical tips so your shadow no longer handicaps your potential.
“Being single for many years, and more than 1yr without sex. Shifted my pattern of being attracted only to unavailable men, but haven’t found anyone for so long. Am I doing something wrong?”
Triggered Feeling:
Feeling hopeless, unworthy, or doubting your ability to call in love.
Acknowledge Your Shadow:
Mark Groves, a relationship expert, has his clients complete the following sentences.
"When I love people they ____. When I let people love me they ____."
Your answers might be similar to his clients which are: leave me, use me, lie to me, not recognize me.
The truth is, your partner-picking techniques often reaffirm that story (or completely avoid that story) of either being left, used, lied to, or not fully seen.
Because there's either avoidance or fear of working through your stories, you miss out on the opportunity to create a new reality.
Inside Mariposa, I teach you how to own your shadow that you have rejected while dismantling shame or anything that makes you feel less than. If this feels aligned, chat with me here .
Steps to Integrate:
Answer the following questions in your journal to begin rewriting your story:
What is your story? Use the prompt above to write out your response.
What do you find yourself rejecting in others? Are you rejecting the same aspects in yourself? Perhaps, behaviors from your past that you have not accepted are true.
Where are you holding onto resentment? Can you recognize where you might be angry with someone? Both are a mirror of you prioritizing someone elses' feelings/needs over your own.
Can you face your pain and use it as an invite to up-level for expansion?
Until next week,