Shadow Work for Jealousy
This blog is from my email series ‘Shadow Confessions’ of anonymous disclosures revealing others' deepest secrets & hidden feelings.
Within this offering, you will see yourself in others, learn how to acknowledge your shadow & receive practical tips so your shadow no longer handicaps your potential.
“I hate admitting this, but I get extremely jealous in my relationship! It’s so uncomfortable — especially because I wasn’t the jealous type in my past.”
Triggered Feeling:
Jealousy — otherwise, known as the fear of losing something that you have.
Acknowledge Your Shadow:
Feeling jealous usually stems from childhood abandonment or neglect. That could have looked like:
Growing up with absent parents
Witnessing your parent's divorce
Feeling rejected by someone you love
Living in an unsuitable home environment
Poor appearance and hygiene
Losing a beloved person
Steps to Integrate:
Recall the last time you were jealous & take your experience through the following journal prompts:
What am I in fear of? Do I feel threatened? If so, what are the threats appearing for me?
Where in the past have I felt the same fears/threats appear?
How has my past impacted the way I react when I feel jealous? Am I giving myself the time I need to intentionally respond to life?
Can I see this opportunity as a way the Universe is mirroring* back to me where I need to expand more into my self-worth?
Until next week,
Begin Your Shadow Work Journey
Let go of pain, shame, and self-criticism & acknowledge the root of any feelings of low self-worth.