How to Begin Healing Your Fear of Rejection Shadow
This blog is from my weekly series ‘Shadow Confessions’ of anonymous disclosures revealing others' deepest secrets & hidden feelings.
Within this offering, you will see yourself in others, learn how to acknowledge your shadow & receive practical tips so your shadow no longer handicaps your potential.
“When I like someone, I look for all the reasons they don’t like me & fixate on that, even if they’ve only shown signs of the opposite. I constantly feel rejected.”
Triggered Feeling:
The feeling described above is rejection.
Acknowledge Your Shadow:
Rejection is one of the most difficult facets of life that literally no one can avoid. The pain of rejection is compounded by the fact that when you get rejected, you tend to go against yourself. This might look like:
Isolating or beating yourself up
Rejecting your own needs & disregarding your intuition
Ignoring how you really feel
Hyper-focusing on why you're unloveable
Steps to Integrate:
This process will take you through acknowledging the root of your rejection, as well as serve as a mirror to your own relationship with rejection. Go ahead and grab your journal!
Trace back to your earliest memory of being rejected. This is the root of your belief in rejection.
How did this experience make you feel? What created this feeling of being rejected?
What people/situations have you manifested in your life since then that feel similar to your experience above? What attracts you to these people/situations?
You cannot be rejected without rejecting also.
How many times have you rejected yourself? When was the last time you ignored & rejected your own needs?
How often do you reject your feelings or intuition? The more you reject yourself, the more you'll manifest rejection in your life.
What do you gain by believing you are unloveable, unworthy, or inadequate? You might be suffering from secondary gain, I teach more about this self-sabotaging behavior inside my shadow work membership, Mariposa.
Breaking down rejection is no easy task, yet the more you dig, the more you uncover about yourself.
The deeper you go, the closer you get to the root.
The more you uncover the more freedom you feel from the release of the emotions associated with it.
Until next week,
Jordan xx