AD’s Subconscious Attraction to Clay in Love is Blind
I've recently started watching "Love is Blind," and let me tell you, there's a lot to unpack here.
In just the second episode, something caught my attention. After Mathew urges AD not to give up on him, we witness AD expressing frustration right before her date with Clay.
The conversation takes an interesting turn when Clay begins by apologizing for his past behavior, followed by a heartfelt plea: "I just need someone to believe in me, honestly."
What happens next is quite revealing. AD, in a moment of vulnerability, utters a statement that resonates deeply: "Clay feels like home."
Perhaps you've found yourself echoing similar sentiments in your relationships, but have you ever paused to consider the intricate interplay between your subconscious attractions and your conscious choices?
Let's delve into this together, dissecting the nuances of our romantic inclinations and uncovering the hidden dynamics at play.
Subconscious Attraction
Subconscious attraction is a fascinating phenomenon where your past experiences, desires, and unresolved emotions influence your attraction and choices in romantic partners.
It's like a silent compass guiding you toward certain individuals who evoke feelings of familiarity, comfort, and even security.
These subconscious attractions often operate beneath the surface, shaping your perceptions and preferences without you consciously realizing it.
This is why you may find yourself drawn to partners who embody traits or qualities reminiscent of past relationships or important figures in your lives, even if these attractions defy logic or reason.
The Downside of this Attraction
It's essential to recognize that subconscious attraction doesn't always work in your favor.
While it can lead you to meaningful connections, it can also blind you to warning signs in your relationships. Resulting in:
Repeating unhealthy relationship patterns
Ignoring red flags
Being easily manipulated
With this in mind, I invite you to delve deeper into your own experiences and reflections on the phrase "you feel like home."
Journal Prompts for Self-Exploration
Reflect on past relationships where you've experienced a sense of familiarity or comfort similar to "you feel like home".
Did these relationships ultimately bring you a sense of fulfillment and happiness, or did they present challenges that you overlooked?
Have you ever found yourself ignoring red flags or warning signs in a relationship because of the comforting familiarity it provided? What were those red flags, and how did you justify or rationalize overlooking them?
Consider the qualities or characteristics that make you feel "at home" with someone.
Are these qualities aligned with your values and long-term relationship goals, or do they stem from past experiences and subconscious attractions?
How can you balance the comforting familiarity with the need to maintain healthy boundaries and recognize potential red flags in your relationships?
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You’re Not Doomed, btw
Being subconsciously attracted to someone doesn't mean you're doomed, and that you'll always attract people that resemble past patterns or even your caretakers. That's why I invite you to explore the journal prompts above.
Awareness of your relational patterns is the beginning step to shifting them. xx